About Us

This comprehensive data archive was designed by David Enriquez (UC Berkeley Undergrad) and Chadi Salem (SSL/UC Berkeley) to allow easy navigation and access to all the content gathered throughout this process.

The archiving process is a work in progress led by Chadi Salem. This work would not have been possible without the full collaboration and hard work of our European colleagues during the early, data aggregation, phase of the project. See also detailed description of the work in the Data Reanalysis page.

This archive is being managed by PI Dr. Chadi Salem, Mr. David Enriquez, and Mr. Robert Lettieri at SSL/UC Berkeley.


Dr. Chadi Salem (Space Sciences Laboratory/University of California Berkeley) was funded by NASA, under a NASA HDEE grant NNX14AQ89G to work on aggregating, analyzing, evaluating, documenting and archiving the available Helios 1 and 2 in-situ data.  The work and team effort put forward under this project, and the development of this single Helios archive, was done in close collaboration with colleagues at the University of Koln (Germany), the University of Kiel (Germany), the Imperial College in London (UK), the LPC2E and University of Orléans (France) and at the Paris Observatory (France).

Later on, the work on Reanalyzing, Reprocessing and Upgrade of HELIOS 1 & 2 Solar Wind Plasma (Proton, Alpha-Particle and Electron) data was funded by NASA grant 80NSSC18K0370, also under PI Dr. Chadi Salem at SSL/UC Berkeley.

Contact Us

Let us know if you have any questions or would like to contribute in any way. Please feel free to use the contact box below or directly email Chadi Salem at salem@ssl.berkeley.edu.