HELIOS 6-SEC AVERAGES Each file contains one day of 6-second averages. The file name is: hNYYDDD.asc, with N the Helios number (1 or 2), YY the year (last two digits), and DDD the day of year (1 = January 1st). The format, for each average, is: (1X,I1,I2,I3,4I2,3F7.2,4F6.2). Magnetic field components are in solar-ecliptic (SE) spacecraft-centered coordinates. 1X I1 Helios number (1 or 2) I2 year (last two digits) I3 day of year (1=jan 1st) I2 hour (0 to 23) I2 minute (start time) I2 second " I2 number of data in the average F7.2 Bxse F7.2 Byse F7.2 Bzse F6.2 B (field magnitude average) F6.2 st. dev. of Bxse F6.2 st. dev. of Byse F6.2 st. dev. of Bzse