pro read_vdf_5 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; programme to read the Helios ion/electron velocity distribution ; functions, vdfp, vdfe and the corresponding velocity components. ; program for the 3-D proton (2-D electron) velocity distribution function ; and determination of the velocity ranges and maximum vdf value ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------- variables and arrays ------------------------------------ comment=strarr(1) vdfp=dblarr(12,12,32) ; protons/alpha-particles 3-D cubes vxp =dblarr(12,12,32) vyp = dblarr(12,12,32) vzp = fltarr(12,12,32) vbp_l =dblarr(12,12,32) vbp_p =dblarr(12,12,32) countp=intarr(12,12,32) vdfe=dblarr(8,16) ; electrons 2-D squares vxe =dblarr(8,16) vye =dblarr(8,16) counte=intarr(8,16) print, 1 l = 12*12*32 ;= 4608 maximum proton arry size print, 'lp=', l l = 8*16 ;= 128 maximum electron array size print, 'le=', l ndimp = 4608 ndime = 128 zp = fltarr(4608) ; 1-D array protons wxp = fltarr(4608) wyp = fltarr(4608) wzp = fltarr(4608) wp_ll=fltarr(4608) wp_perp=fltarr(4608) ze = fltarr(128) ; 1-D array electrons wxe = fltarr(128) wye = fltarr(128) print,2 print, '******* definitions of variables *******' ;---------------------- definitions of variables ------------------------------ ; ; n_e = number of electron data ; n_p = number of proton data ; iearcarrot = Carrington rotation number from Earth ; ihelcarrot = Carrington rotation number from spacecraft ; i1a_3_on = instrument i1a on (=0) or i3 on (=1) ; index_shift ; minus = indicates a HDM file which contained bad ; data (frames), but could be handled as NDM file ; mode = HDM or NMD ; iperihelion_shift = on or of (0 or 1) ; idummy, iyesno = dummy variable ; indexi1. = position of maximum value of instrument ; ;integer, ianzahl_e, ianzahl_p, idim, iearcarrot, ihelcarrot, i1a_3_on ;integer, index_shift, minus, mode ;integer, iperihelion_shift, idummy, ivesno ;integer, index_i1a(1), index_i1b(1) ; ; earcarlat,earcarlng = Carrington longitude and latitude from Earth ; earsdissun = distance Earth-Sun (always zero, historical) ; helcarlat,helcarlng = Carrington longitude and latitude from Helios ; heldissun = distance Helios S/C to Sun ; vnorm, vrad = S/C tangential (in ecliptic), radial velocity(AU/day) ; angle = spacecraft-Sun-Earth angle ; np = proton density [cm^{-3}] ; vxs,vys,vzs = center of mass velocity (1-fluid velocity) ; x,y,z,zfp,zfe = dummy parameters used to read in the 3-D VDF ; sinfi, cosfi = sine and cosine of azimuth of proton velocity ; sintheta, costheta = sine and cosine of elevation of proton velocity ; background_i1a,b = background of instruments (here the first two ; and last two channels) ; ;real, earcarlat, earcarlng, earsdissun ;real, dissun, carlat, carlng, vnorm, vrad, angle ;real, np, vxs, vys, vzs, x, y, z, zfp, zfe ;real, sintheta, costheta, sinfi, cosfi, background_i1a, background_i1b ; b = 3 components of magnetic field [nT] ; bsig = stanadrad deviation of the 3 components ; of magnetic field [nT] ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; i1aint = 32 onboard integrated enerry channels of ; protons insrtument i1a, count rate ; i1bint = 32 onboard integrated energy channels of ; protons insrtument i1b, electron data ; i1av, iabv = corresponding velocities to i1aint, i1bint ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; i1abv, i1int = sum and ratio of i1aint, i1bint (must be ; improved) ; i1aalp = 3 dimenional array: density [cm^{-3}], ; velocity [km/s] and temperature [K] of alphas ; i1apro = 5 dimenional array: density [cm^{-3}], ; velocity [km/s], temperature [K] of protons ; i1bpro = 3 dimenional array: density [cm^{-3}], ; velocity [km/s], temperature [K] of protons ; b=dblarr(3) bsig=dblarr(3) i1aint=dblarr(32) i1av=dblarr(32) i1bint=dblarr(32) i1bv=dblarr(32) i1abv=dblarr(32) i1int=dblarr(32) i1apro=fltarr(5) i1aalp=fltarr(3) i1bpro=fltarr(3) ;---------------------- definitions ---------------------------------------- ; ; wxp, wyp, wzp = velocity components corresponding ; to respective distribution element ; 1-dimensional arrays (protons) [km/s] ; zp = value of distribution function ; 1-dimensional arrays (protons) ; [cm^[-6] s^[-3])] ; wxe, wye, ze = 2-D electron parameters (see above) ; ; ;------------------------- open the file ---------------------------------- ;read, 'filename' ;openr,1, 'filename' ;openr,1, 'P:\data-vdf\ions_Marsch_02\HELIOS\copy.dat' openr,1, 'E:\zhaoliang\lunwen\helios\h2y76d018h00m00s37_hdm.0 ;openr,1, 'E:\data-helios\2002-new\idl-vdf-02\h2y76d105h00m00s31_hdm.1 ;openr,1, 'E:\data-helios\2002-new\idl-vdf-02\h2y76d105h00m01s52_hdm.1 ; now read in the data. The first data set, the correction from ; Pizzo et al. and for the finite solar diameter will not be used ; (the first three records). ; ; All other parameters are read in. For a definition see top. ; ; A 'read' without a parameter reads of a 'comment' in the data file openw,2,'E:\zhaoliang\lunwen\helios\dat_read_vdf.dat' printf,2,'*********' ; print, 'enter reading' ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, imode, ishift, iperihelion_shift, minus, i1a_3_on print, imode, ishift, iperihelion_shift, minus, i1a_3_on readf,1, heldissun, helcarlng, helcarlat, helcarrot print, heldissun, helcarlng, helcarlat, helcarrot readf,1, eardissun, earcarlng, earcarlat, angle, earcarrot print, eardissun, earcarlng, earcarlat, angle, earcarrot readf,1, vrad, vnorm print, vrad, vnorm readf,1, i1apro print, i1apro readf,1, i1aalp print, i1aalp readf,1, i1bpro print, i1bpro readf,1, b, bsig print, b, bsig readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, i1aint print, i1aint readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, i1av print, i1av readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, i1bint print, i1bint readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, i1bv print, i1bv readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, comment print, comment readf,1, comment print, comment ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define velocity with respect to center of mass (1-D velocity). ; Transform from degree to radian. Calculate center of mass ; velocity 'v.s' ; pi180 = 3.141592653589793238462643d0/180.d0 ;print, pi180 i1av = i1av - i1apro(1) i1bv = i1bv - i1apro(1) sinfi = sin(i1apro(3) * pi180) cosfi = cos(i1apro(3) * pi180) sintheta = sin(i1apro(4) * pi180) costheta = cos(i1apro(4) * pi180) vxs = i1apro(1) * cosfi * costheta vys = i1apro(1) * sinfi * costheta vzs = i1apro(1) * sintheta printf,2, 'solar wind (proton) velocity components' printf,2, 'vxs=',vxs,' vys=',vys,' vzs=',vzs ;---------------------------- Read VDFs -------------------------------------- ; ; now loop through the distribution fucntion. First read in the ; the indices i,j,k of distribution function and the velocity ; components. The dummy variables z,x,y,zfp,zfe contain the value of ; the distribution function, and the respective velocity components. ; The variable 'dummy' contains the count rate, which can be ; used for statistics. The dummy variables are then ; transformed in the center of mass system and written to the ; arrays z,wvx,wvy,wvz. If an error occurs during read, the program ; will continue at label electrons. The next data will be the ; electrons, which are handled later. ; ;========================= protons =========================================== printf,2,'****************** protons **********************' for mi=0,11 do begin for mj=0,11 do begin for mk=0,31 do begin vdfp(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 vxp(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 vyp(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 vzp(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 vbp_l(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 vbp_p(mi,mj,mk) = 0.d0 countp(mi,mj,mk) = 0 endfor endfor endfor for n_p=0, ndimp do begin on_ioerror, electrons ; jump to electron data readf,1, i, j, k, zfp, dummy, x, y, z i=fix(i) j=fix(j) k=fix(k) dummy = fix(dummy) print, i, j, k, zfp, dummy, x, y, z ii= i-1 jj= j-1 kk= k-1 printf,2, ii, jj, kk,n_p,dummy,zfp zp(n_p) = zfp wxp(n_p) = x - vxs wyp(n_p) = y - vys wzp(n_p) = z - vzs ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ bx=dblarr(1) by=dblarr(2) bz=dblarr(3) babs=(bx^2+by^2+bz^2)^0.5 angx=bx/babs angy=by/babs angz=bz/babs vbl=wxp*angx+wyp*angy+wzp*angz v2=wxp^2 +wyp^2 +wzp^2 vbp=( v2-vbl^2)^0.5 wp_ll(n_p)=vbl wp_perp(n_p)=vbp ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ print, zp(n_p), wxp(n_p), wyp(n_p), wzp(n_p) vdfp(ii,jj,kk) = zfp vxp(ii,jj,kk) = x vyp(ii,jj,kk) = y vzp(ii,jj,kk) = z vbp_l(ii,jj,kk) =vbl vbp_p(ii,jj,kk) =vbp countp(ii,jj,kk)= dummy endfor ; all jump to ( on_ioerror) electrons: ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;============================ electrons =========================== ; ; Now read electron data. Procedure similar to that of protons. ; First print one coment line, then loop: Structure: i,j indices ; of the distribution function, zfe value of distribution function, ; dummy is the count rate, x,y are the electron velocities print,'************* electrons *************' electrons: readf,1, comment print, comment ; readf,1, comment ; print, comment for mi=0,7 do begin for mj=0,15 do begin vdfe(mi,mj) = 0.d0 vxe(mi,mj) = 0.d0 vye(mi,mj) = 0.d0 counte(mi,mj) = 0 endfor endfor for n_e=0, ndime do begin while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1, i, j, zfe, dummy, x, y i = fix(i) j = fix(j) dummy = fix(dummy) print, i, j, zfe, dummy, x, y ze(n_e) = zfe wxe(n_e) = x wye(n_e) = y ii = i - 1 jj = j - 1 vdfe(ii,jj) = zfe vxe(ii,jj) = x vye(ii,jj) = y counte(ii,jj) = dummy endwhile endfor close,1 printf,2,'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' for i=0,11 do begin for j=0,11 do begin for k=0,31 do begin ;printf,2,i,j,k,vdfp(i,j,k) ;vxp(i,j,k) ;vyp(i,j,k) ;vzp(i,j,k) endfor endfor endfor ;------------- determine the velocity ranges and maxima ----------------------- print, '******velocity ranges and maxima******' ; protons vdfpmax = max(vdfp) ;imaxp,jmaxp,kmaxp vxpmin = min(vxp) vxpmax = max(vxp) vypmin = min(vyp) vypmax = max(vyp) vzpmin = min(vzp) vzpmax = max(vzp) print, vdfpmax ;print, imaxp,jamxp,kmaxp print,'protons* vxpmin,vxpmax,vypmin,vypmax,vzpmin,vzpmax*' print, vxpmin,vxpmax,vypmin,vypmax,vzpmin,vzpmax ; electrons vdfemax = max(vdfe) ;imaxe,jmaxe vxemin = min(vxe) vxemax = max(vxe) vyemin = min(vye) vyemax = max(vye) print, vdfemax ;print, imaxe,jamxe print,'electrons ****vxemin,vxemax,vyemin,vyemax****' print, vxemin,vxemax,vyemin,vyemax ;b=dblarr(3) ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;fp2=dblarr(384,384) ; protons/alpha-particles 3-D cubes ;vxp2 =dblarr(384) ;vyp2 =dblarr(384) ;m=-1 ;n=-1 ; mi=11 ;for mj=0,11 do begin ;for mk=0,31 do begin ;m=m+1 ;n=n+1 ;print,m,n ;vxp2(m)=vxp(mi,mj,mk)-vxs ;vyp2(n)=vyp(mi,mj,mk)-vys ;fp2(m,n)=vdfp(mi,mj,mk) ;vbp_l(mi,mj,mk) ;vbp_p(mi,mj,mk) ;endfor ;endfor ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Marsch 2002,4 countemax = max(counte) print, countemax ;------------ Limit the domain of the ion and electron --------------------- ;------------ velocity distribution functions ------------------------------ ;------------- The arrays are defined above -------------------------------- ;------------- determined in the read subroutine --------------------------- ;------ determine the velocity domain with VDF above 1-2-count level -------- ;------ determine proton indices of the new boundaries ---------------------- ptoti=intarr(12) ptotj=intarr(12) ptotk=intarr(32) for k=0,31 do begin ptotk(k) = total(countp(*,*,k)) ;print, k, ptotk(k) endfor for j=0,11 do begin ptotj(j) = total(countp(*,j,*)) ;print, j, ptotj(j) endfor for i=0,11 do begin ptoti(i) = total(countp(i,*,*)) ;print, i, ptoti(i) endfor ; electrons etoti=intarr(8) etotj=intarr(16) for i=0,7 do begin etoti(i) = total(counte(i,*)) ;print, i, etoti(i) endfor for j=0,15 do begin etotj(j) = total(counte(*,j)) ;print, j, etotj(j) endfor print, 'determine proton array limits' ;--- Use full electron arrays but shrink proton arrays ----------------------- for k=0,31 do begin if ptotk(k) GT 5 then GOTO, continue_k1 endfor continue_k1: ;print, k, ptotk(k) klow = k for k=0,31 do begin kk = 31-k if ptotk(kk) GT 5 then GOTO, continue_k2 endfor continue_k2: ;print, kk, ptotk(kk) khig = kk for j=0,11 do begin if ptotj(j) GT 2 then GOTO, continue_j1 endfor continue_j1: ;print, j, ptotj(j) jlow = j for j=0,11 do begin jj = 11-j if ptotj(jj) GT 2 then GOTO, continue_j2 endfor continue_j2: ;print, jj, ptotj(jj) jhig = jj for i=0,11 do begin if ptoti(i) GT 2 then GOTO, continue_i1 endfor continue_i1: ;print, i, ptoti(i) ilow = i for i=0,11 do begin ii = 11-i if ptoti(ii) GT 2 then GOTO, continue_i2 endfor continue_i2: ;print, ii, ptoti(ii) ihig = ii print, ilow, ihig, jlow, jhig, klow, khig vxlow = 0. vxhig = 0. vylow = 0. vyhig = 0. vzlow = 0. vzhig = 0. for i=ilow, ihig do begin for j=jlow, jhig do begin for k=klow, khig do begin if vxp(i,j,k) LT vxlow then vxlow = vxp(i,j,k) if vxp(i,j,k) GT vxhig then vxhig = vxp(i,j,k) if vyp(i,j,k) LT vxlow then vylow = vyp(i,j,k) if vyp(i,j,k) GT vxlow then vyhig = vyp(i,j,k) if vzp(i,j,k) LT vxlow then vzlow = vzp(i,j,k) if vzp(i,j,k) GT vxlow then vzhig = vzp(i,j,k) endfor endfor endfor print, vxlow, vxhig, vylow, vyhig, vzlow, vzhig print, vxpmin, vxpmax, vypmin, vypmax, vzpmin, vzpmax ; Restrict array sizes iend = ihig - ilow jend = jhig - jlow kend = khig - klow idimen = iend + 1 jdimen = jend + 1 kdimen = kend + 1 number= idimen*jdimen*kdimen printf,2, 'iend, jend, kend',iend, jend, kend printf,2, 'idimen, jdimen, kdimen, number',idimen, jdimen, kdimen, number fp=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) ; protons/alpha-particles reduced 3-D cubes xp=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) yp=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) zp=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) cp=intarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) for i=0, iend do begin ii = ilow + i for j=0, jend do begin jj = jlow + j for k=0, kend do begin kk = klow + k fp(i,j,k) = 0.d0 cp(i,j,k) = 0 xp(i,j,k) = 0.d0 yp(i,j,k) = 0.d0 zp(i,j,k) = 0.d0 if countp(ii,jj,kk) LT 1 then GOTO, continue_10 xp(i,j,k) = vxp(ii,jj,kk) yp(i,j,k) = vyp(ii,jj,kk) zp(i,j,k) = vzp(ii,jj,kk) fp(i,j,k) = vdfp(ii,jj,kk) cp(i,j,k) = countp(ii,jj,kk) print, xp(i,j,k),yp(i,j,k),zp(i,j,k),fp(i,j,k),' ',cp(i,j,k) continue_10: endfor endfor endfor ;--- comment: the velocity components are set to zero for vanishing VDF ------ faint=dblarr(kdimen) va =dblarr(kdimen) fbint=dblarr(kdimen) vb =dblarr(kdimen) ;--------------------- Reduce the size of the integrated spectra -------------- for k=0, kend do begin kk = klow + k ;print, k, kk faint(k)= i1aint(kk) va(k) = i1av(kk) fbint(k)= i1bint(kk) vb(k) = i1bv(kk) endfor ; ---------- Determine the summed-up (over i and j) VDF of protons ----------- fpmax=max(fp) printf,2,'fpmax=',fpmax fsum=dblarr(kdimen) for k=0,kend do begin fsum(k) = total(fp(*,*,k)) print, k, fsum(k) endfor fnorm = idimen*jdimen print, fnorm ;fsum=fsum/fnorm print, faint print, va print, fbint print, vb ;----- Go into the 'wind' frame of reference ------------------------------ ;i azimuth ;j elevation ;k energy wx=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) wy=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) wz=dblarr(idimen,jdimen,kdimen) for i=0, iend do begin for j=0, jend do begin for k=0, kend do begin if cp(i,j,k) LT 1 then GOTO, continue_20 wx(i,j,k) = xp(i,j,k) - vxs wy(i,j,k) = yp(i,j,k) - vys wz(i,j,k) = zp(i,j,k) - vzs print, wx(i,j,k),wy(i,j,k),wz(i,j,k),fp(i,j,k),' ',cp(i,j,k) continue_20: endfor endfor endfor printf,2,'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*************' ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;------------- plot some spectra --------------------------------- set_plot,'win' retain=2 ;!p.multi=[0,1,2] !p.charsize=0.8 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; va partical cont rate ; vb charge count rate plot, va, alog(faint) oplot, vb, alog(fbint),linestyle=2 ;plot,wxp,wyp,psym=1 ;plot, va, faint ;oplot, vb, fbint,linestyle=2 ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;plot,fsum ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;for i=0, iend do begin ;i=5 ;mp=0 ;for k=0, kend do begin ;for j=0, jend do begin ;if fp(i,j,k)/fpmax gt 0.000001 then mp=mp+1 ;endfor ;endfor ;mdimen=mp ;mdimen=(kend+1) ;fpcut_1 = dblarr(mdimen,mdimen) ;fptt=dblarr(mdimen) ;fpi=dblarr(iend+1) ;wx_cut=dblarr(mdimen) ;wy_cut=dblarr(mdimen) ; print, i,mdimen ; fpi(i)=total(fp(i,*,*)) ; mx=-1 ; my=-1 ;j=5 ; for j=0, jend do begin ; for k=0, 31 do begin ;if fp(i,j,k)/fpmax gt 0.000001 then BEGIN ;mx=mx+1 ;my=my+1 ; fpcut_1(mx,my) = fp(i,j,k)/fpmax ; wx_cut(mx)=vxp(i,j,k) -vxs ;wx(i,j,k) ; wy_cut(my)=vyp(i,j,k) -vys ;wy(i,j,k) ; printf,2,k,j,mx,wx_cut(mx),wy_cut(my),alog10(fpcut_1(mx,my)) ; endif ; endfor ; endfor ;printf,2,'vxp(5,5,*)=',vxp(5,5,*) ;plot,wx_cut,wy_cut,psym=1 ;contour, fp(6,*,*) ; print,fpcut_1 ;alfpcut=alog10(fpcut_1) ; contour, fpcut_1,wx_cut,wy_cut,nlevels=50 ;contour,fpcut_1 ; for mx=0,mdimen-1 do begin ; fptt(mx)=total(fpcut_1(mx,*)) ;endfor ;plot,wx_cut, fptt,psym=1 ;read,x ;endfor ;plot,fpi ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;!xmax=32 ;!ymax=12 ;vdfp(ii,jj,kk), vxp(ii,jj,kk), vyp(ii,jj,kk), vzp(ii,jj,kk) ;contour,vdfp(*,*,17) ;contour,vdfp(7,*,*) ;contour,fp2,vxp2,vyp2 ;plot,vdfp(10,*,16) ;xrange=[0.0,500.] ;!xmax=1000 ;wp_ll ;wp_perp ;plot,wyp,zp,psym=1 ;plot,wxp,zp,psym=1 stop: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- close,2 end ;-------------------------- end programme ----------------------------------- ;-------------------------- end programme -----------------------------------