;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; programme to read the Helios ion/electron velocity distribution ; functions, vdfp, vdfe and the corresponding velocity components. ; program for the 3-D proton (2-D electron) velocity distribution function ; and determination of the velocity ranges and maximum vdf value ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------- variables and arrays ------------------------------------ comment=strarr(1) vdfp=dblarr(12,12,32) ; protons/alpha-particles 3-D cubes vxp =dblarr(12,12,32) vyp = dblarr(12,12,32) vzp = fltarr(12,12,32) vbp_ll =dblarr(12,12,32) vbp_perp =dblarr(12,12,32) countp=intarr(12,12,32) vdfe=dblarr(8,16) ; electrons 2-D squares vxe =dblarr(8,16) vye =dblarr(8,16) counte=intarr(8,16) print,'*********' print,123 print, 1 l = 12*12*32 ;= 4608 maximum proton arry size print, 'lp=', l l = 8*16 ;= 128 maximum electron array size print, 'le=', l ndimp = 4608 ndime = 128 zp = fltarr(4608) ; 1-D array protons wxp = fltarr(4608) wyp = fltarr(4608) wzp = fltarr(4608) wp_ll=fltarr(4608) wp_perp=fltarr(4608) ze = fltarr(128) ; 1-D array electrons wxe = fltarr(128) wye = fltarr(128) print,2 print, '******* definitions of variables *******' end